

Legs of Steel Update #1


Die Legs of Steel sind fleissig für ihren neuen Movie da wo der Schnee ist unterwegs. Was Paddy Graham und der Rest der Rasselbande treiben währen Posterboy Bene Mayr in Sochi abhängt erfahrt ihr in diesem ersten Blogeintrag der Volksrock n´ Roller.

Schaut auch mal direkt auf deren Website vorbei. Da gibt es nicht nur für Ladies einiges zu entdecken:


“Hello lads and ladies. Since we last spoke things have once again started to come together, this time in central Europe. After a few days of scouting and weather watching once we left Japan, we made the decision to head to Switzerland and try our luck in the land of expensive food, gas, lift tickets…well, expensive everything really.At least we know a thing or two about making a mean peanut butter and jam sandwich by this point in our lives (an under-appreciated lunch for adults).

While in Switzerland we made the decision to split into big mountain and backcountry freestyle crews. Meeting up with us for the big mountain attack were Kiwi and recent FWT winner Sam Smoothy, Tobi Tritscher aka Tobi Trice, and LOS first-timer and former Junior FWT champ Raphy Webhofer. After scouting some lines and areas with potential, we made some moves and started shooting. Everyone managed to get a few shots which was awesome for everyone to see, and we have sussed out a pretty awesome zone further into the mountains. Once the weather clears, we will be back at it on the big mountain side of things.



The freestyle crew has thus far consisted of Oscar Scherlin, Sebi Geiger and LOS co-founder Paddy Graham. Instead of moping about the fact that they’re all Olympic castaways, these fine fellows have dusted themselves off and gotten down to business. Highlights of the week were Oscar hiking without touring bindings and consequently getting an appropriate hip-stretch, Sebi stomping everything (what?), and the phrase, “A bit flat, inn’it?” becoming part of our everyday lexicon. Eventually, the guys found a spot that satisfied everyone and got to work. Three days later, a behemoth of a jump emerged. Now that we’re waiting on weather, we can only hope it’s still there when Mr. Sun decides to appear.


Sebi Geiger hustling to get his skins on and get another hit before the light dies.

We’ve filled the last few days with a combination of writing, reading (some of us), watching TV shows and generally waiting out a patch of undesirable weather. It should be clearing within the next day so hopefully the next update will include a bit more action!


This sandwich might have been good, but the weather wasn’t. See you when the sun pops.





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