

Legs of Steel Blog: Austria – An Uncertain Venture


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“This season in the Alps has been held hostage by a contrast of climates; the north is barren, left with no snow and warm temperatures, while the south has been experiencing snow levels of gargantuan proportions. Innsbruck, our home base, has been greener than a gardener’s thumb for the entire season, as winter has decided that other places are more worthy of its presence. This has led us to explore some of the smaller, oft-forgotten resorts in the Alps.


Our good friend and shredder of all things skiing, Tom Leitner.

This trail away from the road more traveled has been a combination of fruitful and frustrating; some days we find ourselves in lands of snowy spines, while others we spend hiking endlessly to find bounty that apparently doesn’t exist. Gone are the days of cat skiing and sled access, now is the hour of the skin track…Leaving our comfort zone behind is quickly becoming a defining theme of the film.IMG_5301

Tobi Tritscher getting into the spotlight.

After spending a few days on the border of Italy and Austria with a dedicated pair of skiers, Tobi Tritscher and Tom Leitner, we walked away with a few moments for the film and a wealth of knowledge for later in the year. Learning little by little, this season is coming together. Moment by moment, we’re beginning to piece together our ideas as the seconds of captured light build. Seconds become minutes, and as they do we’re making our way through this wild and weird winter.


Tobi and Tom, finding the goods.

Until next time, kind reader.


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