

Inspired Media Concepts present ‘Road to Zion’ a Henrik Harlaut film

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“Back from the successful Inspired Ski Movie Tour across North America which brought the film to 19 stops in 31 days and reaching about 5000 people! Henrik Harlaut and Inspired Media Concepts are proud to announce the free online release of ‘Road to Zion’.

‘Road to Zion’ follows Henrik’s 2013/14 season mixing Park, Urban and Back Country skiing. The film brings you through X-Games, the Olympics, as well as his journey through Finland, Austria, Italy, Colorado, northern Sweden, with some shots from the premiere B&E Inventational as well! This movie is made to show that freeskiing isn’t just training & competing, it’s also about having fun and enjoy the most of it.”

Watch or embed the movie from the following link: Stay up to date with Henrik over on his website at:



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