Unser lieblings nachrichten Team ONION NEWS die vergangene Woche schon das bunte Treiben der Athleten im Olympischen Dorf aufgedeckt haben, berichten nun von einem weiteren skandalösen Vorfall aus Sotschi. Offenbar wirkten sich die ungewöhnlich frühlingshaften Temeraturen vor Ort auf die Eisfläche der Fugure Skater aus 😉
“SOCHI, RUSSIA—In a race against time, local emergency crews reportedly rushed to rescue Italian figure skater Carolina Kostner Wednesday after the Olympian plunged through a hazardous thin patch of ice during her short program at the Iceberg Skating Palace. “Unfortunately she skated way out into the middle of the rink where the ice was weak and it collapsed instantly when she landed her triple axel,” said rescue worker Ignativ Barkov, adding that Kostner ignored the sounds of cracking ice while performing an otherwise flawless step sequence and combination spin. “We have to act fast or she’ll succumb to hypothermia. Granted, a world-class athlete like Kostner can withstand the initial shock for a few minutes, but her thin, sparkly leotard will do little to protect her from the deep and frigid water below the ice.” At press time, crews were attempting another dive after initial efforts had only managed to recover a sequined headband and several loose rhinestones”
(Quelle: http://www.theonion.com/)
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