

“SKLMNTI” OFFICIAL TRAILER (Eine Ski Docu von Skilluminati)

What is SKLMNTI?

The Excitement while waiting for a weekday to end.
The Crew – ready to go.
Countless Hours spent searching for a spot.
Finding common ground with the law and the police.
Strength to continue after a failure.
Trick framed into a shot.
Inspiration for the next adventures.

“SKLMNTI” reflects all of the above and takes you behind the scenes.
Featuring Reinis Stabins,Edvards Lansmanis,Kaspars Ozolins,Pauls Iklāvs
,Emīls Ozolins, Ernests Cerbulis un Einārs Lansmanis.
The Film was shot in Baltic States in association with RED BULL
and outdoor sports equipment shop GANDRS.
Additional Cinemaphotography by AEROVISION.LV



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