Happypro’s new output… Enjoy!
This years movie is a result of our hard work and dedication! No sponsors, no strings attached. Just pure shred.
Happypro’s new output… Enjoy!
This years movie is a result of our hard work and dedication! No sponsors, no strings attached. Just pure shred. Freeski Crew Member Pius Schneider bringin’ it on. A chilled edit by a chilled dude. Go Pius! Please check out… NSF Productions’ hitting us with “Chase that Feeling”. These guys got game… B-paul, B-Dog, Hugo Pelletier, Laurent-Olivier Martin, Martin Boulais, JF Houle, Alexis Godbout,... These kids – all between 14 and 18 years old oO – defintely put their swagga on… nice dudes! We are proud to present... The Stept crew put up some nice flick! There’s some pretty heavy stuff in it… Enjoy! Jiberish’s supplying us with a chilling movie (40 minutes !!!) introducing their whole family… can’t wait for winter! Thanx for shorten the summer...
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