Jon Olsson verklopft seinen Audi R8! Ja das sind Probleme die ihr wahrscheinlich kennt. Ihr liegt Nachts hellwach im Bett, weil euer Sportwagen euch einfach nicht mehr das beruhigende Gefühl gibt selbst auf der Rennstrecke alles stehen lassen zu können was noch eine Strassenzulassung besitzt. So geht es derzeit auch Jon Olsson, der sich nach einem reinrassigerem Rennwagen sehnt und deshalb seinen custmized Audi R8 zum Verkauf anbietet. Laut eigener Aussage hat er in den Wagen ca. 300.000 € gesteckt. Rechnet man dann noch den Neupreis eines R8 von 193.000 € hinzu und zieht dann noch das ein oder andere Prozentchen aufgrund der Abnutzung ab, so wird man in etwa von einer Verhandlungsbasis von 400.000€ ausgehen können. Interessierte möchten sich via Email bitte mit Jon selbst in Verbindung setzten:
Gute Geschäfte!
8 Bilder
Hier Jon´s original Blogeintrag:
“The most extreme R8 in the world for sale?
As you all know I am not normal…
When I was going to bed last night I started thinking about the fact that I miss the build process of a new car, so then it hit me, why dont I sell my R8 and build a new one? 
After the Ascari track visit I have been thinking more and more about a more raw race car feeling so incase someone is interested in this car I might just build myself a new R8 and let that one go more towards a cleaned out race car, skipping the interior, the AC and the radio, making it super uncomfortable but possibly even faster then this one… 
So if you are looking for the baddest R8 in the world, just shoot me an e mail at to get all the specs and lets go from there. I have invested about 300 000€ on this car (not including the car) so every little bit of this car is as good as it can get!”

8 Bilder“The most extreme R8 in the world for sale?
As you all know I am not normal… When I was going to bed last night I started thinking about the fact that I miss the build process of a new car, so then it hit me, why dont I sell my R8 and build a new one?
After the Ascari track visit I have been thinking more and more about a more raw race car feeling so incase someone is interested in this car I might just build myself a new R8 and let that one go more towards a cleaned out race car, skipping the interior, the AC and the radio, making it super uncomfortable but possibly even faster then this one…
So if you are looking for the baddest R8 in the world, just shoot me an e mail at to get all the specs and lets go from there. I have invested about 300 000€ on this car (not including the car) so every little bit of this car is as good as it can get!”