Ja da gab es einen Wechsel von dem gesprochen wird. Über-Shredder und König des Kopfnickens, Tom Wallisch wechselt Goggle- und Protection Sponsor. Shred ist die glückliche Brand die sich künftig mit dem skifahrenden internet Star schmücken darf.
Hier die og. Pressemitteilung von Shred Optics:
photo: Erik Seo
“SHRED OPTICS could not be more proud to announce that Park City local and worldwide free-ski legend, Tom Wallisch, has joined the family. All of us at SHRED OPTICS share the same passion for the mountains that Tom does, and we are ecstatic to support him in his pursuit of skiing perfection, as well as to provide an avenue to foster his creative growth as a product designer and brand influencer.
At SHRED OPTICS, we have been working tirelessly to provide the most talented riders with the products they wish to see shape the future of their sports with the inherent style associated with our products, as well as the incorporated technology. As an athlete born company, that remains rider driven, our products are the tangible revelations of our team.
Co-founder, and fellow Park City resident super star, Ted Ligety, said: “Tom is a hero. I have been in awe of his style and skills for years. He inspires me to push my own boundaries. I am so excited to collaborate with Tom on both the aesthetics of helmets, goggles, and sunglasses moving forward, but also to push the technological boundaries.”
Upon signing with SHRED OPTICS, Wallisch explained: “I want to work on and design awesome products with a company that is excited about me as an athlete and person. I’ve got a lot of plans left for my ski career and I’m excited to have a company like SHRED OPTICS there to support me and all my future endeavors.
“For me what separated SHRED from other brands was the athlete involvement in the company. I was able to see firsthand the amount of input Ted and other athletes had in everything from design to colour choices. Having gear that incorporates great technology and also looks good is all any skier wants.”
SHRED OPTICS CMO, Federico Merle, was not shy about his excitement: “Shred is the perfect combination of Style and Performance, and so is Tom and his riding. It’s hard for me to think about a better athlete to represent our brand, and after getting to know Tom both in and out of the park, I can’t be happier to welcome him to the family. I am ecstatic that more and more elite athletes and riders recognise our commitment to product and brand perfection, and are willing to join us to become an important part in shaping our company.”
SHRED OPTICS Co-founder, Carlo Salmini, engineer and MIT alum, enthused about Tom’s future influence on product design, saying: “Working with Tom is a dream come true for an engineer like myself. We are able to combine the pinnacle of athletic talent, ability, and commitment, with our engineering team that is on an endless quest to finding the ultimate technology that will allow Tom to touch the sky. SHRED OPTICS has been at the forefront of product innovation for years. I am speechless about the possibilities of development and innovation that we are about to undertake.””