Jon Olsson hat sich die letzten 6 Jahre in die Racing Szene verkatzelt. Sein Ziel bei den Olympischen Spielen im Super G teilzunehmen ging sich nicht ganz aus, aber Teilnehmer bei insgesamt 7 Weltcups gewesen zu sein ist sicher auch keine zu vernachlässigende Leistung. Diesen Sommer jedoch hatte er wohl die Schnauze voll vom blau-roten Stangenwald, denn als er von seiner letzten Knie Op aufwachte, hatte er die Vision sein Leben wieder zu 100% dem Freeskiing zu widmen. Er möchte die grössten Kicker und den tiefsten Powder shredden; Nicht auf Contests, sondern alles für die Kamera!
“About 10 days after I had my surgery I woke up one morning and looked straight up in the ceiling with one thought in my head, I need to start jumping again, I want to do a comeback in Freestyle. This was a thought that had not crossed my mind once in the last 6 years as I was so focused on my ski racing goal that I refused to let any other thoughts in my head.
Now having had 7 months to really think about what I want to do and what excites me the most, I really feel that a Freestyle comeback is what I want to do. This might sound like the stupidest idea ever as a freestyle comeback at age 32 right after a knee injury is not your normal carrer move. But just as with my unexpected ski racing comeback I try to live my life in a way where I do what I want and not what most other people would have done. The ski racing years was an incredible experience that I will never regret or forget, I did not make it all the way to the Olympics, but I got 7 world cup starts under my belt and at one point I was ranked nr 3 in Sweden which I think is more than most people expected when I started racing again! So no matter what, I am super proud of what I managed to accomplish!
The plan this year is to do one full year of filming huge kickers and powder around the globe all winter long, something that I have never done before as I have always filmed a bit in-between the contests. Being here in Zurich at the did however make me think about contests again but I am going to take it one year at a time and see how it feels to be a full time film skier. So this year I have a blank paper to start from and I can just look at the world map to see where the snow falls and jump on the next flight there to catch the best skiing in the world. The videoblog will be up and running from Nov 1st so you guys will be able to follow us on all our adventures. I can’t wait for the winter to come around since I have been away from this world for 6 years so I am more stoked and motived than ever to go out there and kill it!
This was two of the clips that made me really make up my mind, shooting huge kickers with helis is just an unbeatable feeling!”
Jon Olsson