Beautyqueen, Fashion Victim und Rampensau Jon Olsson hats erwischt! Seine treue Weggefährtin und große Liebe Olivia hat sich nach 8 glücklichen Jahren Beziehung von ihm getrennt. Wahrscheinlich konnte sie Jon´s internationalen Skiort-Livestyle nicht standhalten. “Ja, ja, Weiber…”, würde ich ihm sagen. Aber er geht seit Tagen nicht mehr an sein Telefon, schottet sich ab und geht stattdessen in Sölden einen kippen. Aber nicht wie man in Sölden gewöhnlich einen kippen geht, um nachts an der Bushaltestelle bei einer Holländerin in Heckeinsteigern einen Heckeinstieg vorzunehmen. Nein! Die Rede ist bei Jon Olsson natürlich von Kippstangenskifahren. Nach dem Breakup kann man nur hoffen, dass Jon noch fokusierter sein Ziel – die Teilnahme bei den olympischen Spielen 2014 im Slalombewerb – entgegensteuert. Ob Jon neben sienem verstärkten Arbeitseinsatz im Schnee nicht auch die Pressearbeit etwas übermotiviert angeht, indem er sein privates Liebesdrama veröffentlicht, kann bitte jeder von Euch heute abend selbst mit seinem/-er Partner/-in besprechen.
Hier jedenfalls Jon´s Worte zu der Trennung:
“I guess its time for me to officially be official about the fact that after more than 8 years together, me and Olivia are no longer together as a couple. I have not known how to put it down in words so that’s why I have not brought it up here until now…
I guess that explains why I have been on a “running around the world” program for the past few weeks. When Olivia a few weeks back explained to me how she felt and that she wanted to part ways my first reaction was that I just wanted to run and so I did. Even though I was devastated at first, I really understand and respect her decision 100%. With her being busy working full time in Stockholm me travelling 300 days /year with no plan on stopping, is not an uncomplicated life to live. So, I would never ever blame her for her decision.
However, as with all, time heals most things and when I saw Olivia in Stockholm this weekend for the fist time since the break-up, I realized that maybe her decision was the right thing, maybe she was right in the fact that we have come to love each other more as best friends than we where actually in love as lovers. In 8 years, we never had a single fight and everything has always been easy and uncomplicated. Of course the extreme life I have chosen to live with skiing was something that makes a relationship very different from most, especially as we also worked together. I think that even if we where fantastic together that’s what brought us to an end. We never ever had any time to fight and our time together was always amazing, but with the constant traveling maybe we made ourselves a little emotionally unavailable to best deal with months away from each other, I don’t know and I don’t think I ever will. All I know is that even if this came to an end I cant think of something I would have done differently – I have loved every second of our relationship and I know Olivia feels the same way, we have and will always respect and support each other, no matter what. That is way we have worked so well together for 8 years and I think it’s why even this break-up feels OK. We don’t fight – we deal with it together. Life sometimes just does not work out the way you plan it.
All that matters in the end is that I feel that I think Olivia will always be my best friend and maybe in a few weeks/months/years it will feel 100% normal and natural. To my amazement it actually almost did this weekend in Stockholm, something I never though would be possible a few weeks back. Then I was sure I lost my girlfriend as well as my best friend.
Seeing her felt weird, sort of unreal, amazing on one hand, as she is and always will be the kindest, smartest most incredible person I have ever met. So seeing her again was amazing but saying goodbye and going back to two separate places felt really weird! I do however think that one day that will feel 100% normal as well.
Time heals all and luckily I have a job and a sport that I love that keeps my mind busy at hard times. So time to go ski and if I ski and look forward in life.
I hope that “what ever does not kill you makes you stronger” cause it’s been a few tough weeks, that I will admit!