

JAMIE CRANE-MAUZY im künstlichen Koma – GET WELL!!!

Freeskierin, Jamie Crane-Mauzy, wurde nach einem Sturz bei den WSI AFP World Tour championships in Whistler vergangenen Samstag in Whistler in ein künstliches Koma versetzt. Jamie´s Schwester updatet ihre Facebookseite und informiert Freunde und Fans über den aktuellen Zustand. Aktuell kann leider noch nicht viel über den weiteren Genesungsverlauf gesagt werden. DOch wir werden alle dazu angehalten Jamie positive Vibes und Besserungswünsche zu schicken.


Hier das letzte Facebook Update:

“Just two days following Saturday’s treacherous spill during an attempt to land a double flat at the World Skiing Invitational (WSI) / Association of Freeskiing Professionals (AFP) World Tour Championships in Whistler BC, Jamie Crane-Mauzy remains in critical condition at Vancouver General Hospital, under close surveillance as physicians continue to assess her condition.

Jamie’s family released a statement early this morning, thanking her friends and fans from the snow sports community and beyond for the outpouring of well wishes and encouraging positive reinforcement for Jamie.

“I can tell she feels everyone’s love, support and energy,” explains Jamie’s sister and fellow freeskier, Jeanee Crane-Mauzy, who created the photo collage below, is encouraging friends to share the message,‪#‎MocrazyStrong‬, and to continue rooting for Jamie’s speedy recovery.

“It’s [the positive support] giving her strength,” explains Crane-Mauzy. “It’s giving all of us strength.”

Jamie made history in 2013 during the X Games in Aspen, Colorado, when she became the first female freeskier to land a double backflip in competition and again at the 2013 North Face Park & Pipe Open, when she became the first female to backflip off a rail in competition

While she’s fearless by nature, friends will tell you Jamie is best known for her sharp wit, bubbly personality, adventurous spirit and infectious sparkle.”



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