

ATOMIC AIRTIME⎪24Hours, United Kingdom – Preview

Ja schau Dich nicht an! Episode 2 der Atomic Airtime Posse scheint der Knaller zu sein. Gus Kenworthy, Lucas Stål Madison und Spencer Keirnes touren durch Großbrittanien wie einst die Beatles.

Spencer and Sean in Van_Atomic Airtime_Kyle Meyr-07661

Three indoor ski areas, three friends and just 24 hours to make the fastest ever UK ski tour happen. Shredding from Edinburgh to London, Gus Kenworthy, Lucas Stål Madison and Spencer Keirnes get creative to show you what the UK ski scene and skiing in a giant refrigerator is all about. Watch as these three dig deep to make their unlikely first turns of the season an impressive reality.

LSM and Spencer Backflip_Milton Keynes_Kyle Meyr-07773Sklöff Digga! Am 3. November erscheint die ganze Episode



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